Thursday, April 5, 2018

Melbourne Says Sorry.

Dear Susan,
I have been here for over seven years now.
I have made many friends and am grateful for every single moment with those new friends. I really need them. None of them have been able to fill the Sydney Susan shaped hole though.
I have missed you so often and I didn't let you know. I am sorry. I am sorry for letting time pass between calls. From calls becoming texts. From texts becoming likes on Facebook or Instagram. It took a long time for me to really come to terms with how my life has changed and to not blame everyone else for their life changing too. Especially in terms of career.
I was watching you on the tele last night and felt such excitement and pride. I mean heck, I cannot turn the tele on without seeing you these days. Instead of feeling jealous (something I have done in the past), last night I just felt happiness.
Life has changed forever and things will never be like they were, but those years spent in each others pockets were the ones that brought me to here. That led me to all that is now. I have been jealous in the past - and then angry at my kid because becoming a mother diverted my career. But the truth is, I can never know what would have been and I certainly can tell that the path you are on is the one you were meant for.
Thank goodness you kept keeping on and aimed so high! I cannot wait to see what you do next. Coz I will be watching. And cheering. Loudly. Enough to annoy the neighbours.
Love Amanda

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