Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dear Susan

I cannot believe it has almost been a full twelve months that we have been apart. I think we have done pretty well though, all things considered. It has been hard though.

So many times I have had to answer the question "do you miss Susie?"
I really want to answer with something along the lines of "um, what do you think dicknose? Of course I miss Susie. She's my best friend. Would you miss your best friend? Of course you would. Would you miss a limb if you had to leave it in Sydney while you went to Melbourne to have a baby?"
But then I know if I said that, they would want to know why I had to leave a limb behind in order to have a baby. And that isn't actually true. Medical science has made major leaps and bounds and you can actually have a baby whilst keeping all of your limbs. ALL of them.
It does feel a little like that though. An amputation of sorts. Not having you to hang out with whenever we feel like it or perform with has been like having a part of me cut off. Probably like my left hand. I am right handed so you know, I can still do most things, but it would be easier if I still had my left hand, like when I have to carry two Boost Juices. But the hardest part about that is when I realise that I am not only spilling the juice everywhere, but that I couldn't possibly drink two Boost Juices alone - but that I don't have you to share the other with. Like what was I even thinking when I ordered two Boost Juices in the first place? And did the perky teen behind the counter think I was some sort of greedy guts or just really dehydrated?
Anyway, I really miss you. But I think this year is going to be a lot easier. Melbourne has some stories it wants to share with Sydney. I hope Sydney has some to share with Melbourne too.

Lots of love

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