Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Melbourne, I'm late...

Those (often) dreaded words. But no, it's not that kind of late. I'm late to the party. The blog party. Our blog party. It's like a bloc party but cooler. But not as cool as Bloc Party. Anyway...

Melbourne, I'm watching Beaches as I write to you. Appropriate, I know. I turned on the TV and it was on and I hadn't posted and tears actually flowed. It's up to the part where Hilary's plants die and while this in itself is tragic, CC Bloom is wearing a pair of over-sized sunglasses and they remind me of my dearest old friend, Amanda Buckley.

Melbs, you know her well. I don't need to tell you that no laugh has brought more joy to the world (even if a certain English comedian wont admit it), no quiff has stood with such style, nor would I have to list the thousands of ways she makes the world a better place simply through her devoted friendships (and possibly even more devoted water conservation practices).

In the 12 short* months that Amanda has adopted the 3000, you have probably learned all of this and much more. So since you guys are so close now, can you let her know that she took the weather with her? It's been raining non-stop and Sydney misses the sunshine. And the lollipops.

Kind regards,


*And by short I mean the longest 12 months of my life. Miss you a million Buckers x

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