Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dear Susan

So blogspot has changed. I am thinking, hey, you know what, I might send Susie a post coz I am stuck at home, looking out a window watching grey skies gather strength while my baby, who has Hand Foot and Mouth disease (not a joke about babies and their hands and feet in the mouths like my father thought)is sleeping and here I am, all logged in and raring to go to write a big ol' chunky post about sugar substituting and loyalty cards at coffee shops when I see, blogspot has changed. There have been too many changes in the last two years - and this is just another one I am struggling to come to terms with. Oh, looking at the post, you cannot see that blogspot has changed. You can only tell once you start trying to post. It's not a big deal. I am just saying that it has thrown me. I mean, I can cope. I will adjust. I will be flexible and adapt. But gosh darn it, world, can't you just hurry up and make Susie be in Melbourne or me be in Sydney already? Oh yeah, I miss you. Love Amanda ps. so I made brownies with dates instead of sugar. I know. Genius.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From 2000 to 3000 is 1000 more reasons to dance...

Dear Melbourne,

One giant purse
Two pretties
Three skinny men

These are a few of my favourite things.

Can't wait!


Susan & Associates


Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Melbourne, I'm late...

Those (often) dreaded words. But no, it's not that kind of late. I'm late to the party. The blog party. Our blog party. It's like a bloc party but cooler. But not as cool as Bloc Party. Anyway...

Melbourne, I'm watching Beaches as I write to you. Appropriate, I know. I turned on the TV and it was on and I hadn't posted and tears actually flowed. It's up to the part where Hilary's plants die and while this in itself is tragic, CC Bloom is wearing a pair of over-sized sunglasses and they remind me of my dearest old friend, Amanda Buckley.

Melbs, you know her well. I don't need to tell you that no laugh has brought more joy to the world (even if a certain English comedian wont admit it), no quiff has stood with such style, nor would I have to list the thousands of ways she makes the world a better place simply through her devoted friendships (and possibly even more devoted water conservation practices).

In the 12 short* months that Amanda has adopted the 3000, you have probably learned all of this and much more. So since you guys are so close now, can you let her know that she took the weather with her? It's been raining non-stop and Sydney misses the sunshine. And the lollipops.

Kind regards,


*And by short I mean the longest 12 months of my life. Miss you a million Buckers x

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear Susan 2

I have been thinking about Beaches.
Not the coastal sandy areas that become so popular this time of year, beckoning me to come "cool down in the water" whilst knowing full well how delicate and sensitive my fair Irish complexion is and how red and blistery it gets when I succumb to its call. No not those Beaches. The movie Beaches. With the fabulous Bette Midler and the "I cannot quite warm to her in other movies, but in this one I like her" Barbara Hershey.
I was thinking, now that we are long distance friends, but lifelong friends due to a crazy afternoon near a photo booth and boardwalk type set-up, that we are kind of like Beaches.
I wonder though, who would we be? I want to say that I am Bette Midler, mainly because in real life we share a birthday, and maybe just a little bit because I sing. But, I don't want to sentence you to Barbara Hershey.... because well, you know how it ends, although you do have darker hair and are prettier and have quite often provided wind for my wings.
That said, I now have a child. Which kinda makes me a tad more Babs than Bette. Can you see my dilemma?
I will have to try and find a more fitting movie for us to be based on.
I almost kinda want to say Sleepless in Seattle, but people wouldn't quite know what to make of that. (Although, if you said, I would wait on Valentines Day at the Empire State Building, provided the line is not too long and that I could get a babysitter.)

Lots of confused love

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dear Susan

I cannot believe it has almost been a full twelve months that we have been apart. I think we have done pretty well though, all things considered. It has been hard though.

So many times I have had to answer the question "do you miss Susie?"
I really want to answer with something along the lines of "um, what do you think dicknose? Of course I miss Susie. She's my best friend. Would you miss your best friend? Of course you would. Would you miss a limb if you had to leave it in Sydney while you went to Melbourne to have a baby?"
But then I know if I said that, they would want to know why I had to leave a limb behind in order to have a baby. And that isn't actually true. Medical science has made major leaps and bounds and you can actually have a baby whilst keeping all of your limbs. ALL of them.
It does feel a little like that though. An amputation of sorts. Not having you to hang out with whenever we feel like it or perform with has been like having a part of me cut off. Probably like my left hand. I am right handed so you know, I can still do most things, but it would be easier if I still had my left hand, like when I have to carry two Boost Juices. But the hardest part about that is when I realise that I am not only spilling the juice everywhere, but that I couldn't possibly drink two Boost Juices alone - but that I don't have you to share the other with. Like what was I even thinking when I ordered two Boost Juices in the first place? And did the perky teen behind the counter think I was some sort of greedy guts or just really dehydrated?
Anyway, I really miss you. But I think this year is going to be a lot easier. Melbourne has some stories it wants to share with Sydney. I hope Sydney has some to share with Melbourne too.

Lots of love